Mercury and Pseudoscience |
Saturday, September 5th, 2015 08:38:33 GMT |
Including Astrology |
Though this is more about history than about modern-day astrology - since fortunately, there probably aren't many modern astrologers nowadays who would go around making absurd claims about the supposed benefits of the element mercury.
But unfortunately, there are plenty of modern-day non-astrologers (and perhaps some astrologers too) who make absurd claims about mercury's supposed safety and fitness for use in things such as light bulbs, dental fillings, and vaccines.
Which is interesting from an astrological perspective, since the planet
Mercury in astrology is associated with intelligence, communication, and
so on, and usually isn't considered bad. In fact, one of the symbols associated with mythological Mercury is the caduceus - which, to this day, is a traditional symbol of medicine.
But, meanwhile, the actual physical element of mercury can give
you brain damage and numerous other terrible health problems.
That's even worse than astrological Mercury retrograde!
How awful!
(See also: this informative video.)
But, thank God for skepticism and real science.
(Yes, the irony in the preceding sentence is deliberate. But I really
am grateful for skepticism and real science, which I believe have
probably done a lot more to improve the world than astrology or any
other pseudoscience ever did.)
And, there's still widespread acceptance of the use of mercury in fluorescent light bulbs - even despite the alarmingly elaborate waste cleanup measures recommended if you break such a light bulb.
This page is also interesting:
"Mercury release rates are low, new data show, but can build to toxic levels if broken bulbs aren't cleaned up right away."
But, regardless of whether or not there really is a direct link between
mercury in vaccines and autism - I can't imagine that mercury in
vaccines does no harm at all, given the fact that mercury is
scientifically known to be a very toxic, potentially lethal substance.
Even if the mercury in vaccines isn't causing autism, my guess is the
mercury is probably at least causing other bad effects of some kind(s). Why wouldn't it?
Skeptics often say extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
So, doesn't the claim that such an extremely toxic substance as mercury
is somehow safe to use in vaccines, dental fillings, and light bulbs
qualify as an extraordinary claim which requires extraordinary evidence?
If that's the case, maybe astrology has done even more harm to the world
than I thought. Even if astrology only reinforced (rather than
originated) the pseudoscientific idea that "the element mercury is safe
or even beneficial for human health", that would be bad.
I wish some historian(s) would look into that.
We should know better by now, and learn from the past mistakes of alchemy and astrology.
There are plenty of other things to pick on about astrology, but, here, I'm going to focus on some Mercury-related things.
False-color pictures of the planet Mercury - shrunk down from the image at this blog post.
The real, physical,
scientific, Periodic Table of Elements element of mercury has many horrible effects on health.
I wonder if the ludicrous notion that mercury in dentistry is harmless
was somehow inspired or fueled by astrology? Judging by Wikipedia, mercury fillings in dentistry have a long history.
The Mercury (element) article on Wikipedia mentions (among other interesting things) that the first emperor of China, Qín Shǐ Huáng Dě
(260–210 BC), "was killed by drinking a mercury and powdered jade
mixture formulated by Qin alchemists (causing liver failure, mercury
poisoning, and brain death) who intended to give him eternal life."
And the great Isaac Newton was found to have massive amounts of mercury in his body - possibly the result of his studies of alchemy. :-(
I wonder what was more to blame for superstitious overly positive beliefs about mercury - alchemy or
astrology? Don't know, and I don't feel like researching in depth right
Such a pity that even in our modern, more logical and skeptical era, there's still the persistent use of mercury-containing amalgam dental fillings, despite the info on this page from
And here's a blog post I posted on January 7, 2014, on Astroblahhh.Com:
And mercury contamination is a common problem with seafood nowadays, as I mentioned a bit in this blog post on Astroblahhh.Com from August 17, 2015:
And, the idea that mercury in vaccines causes autism is surprisingly often viciously criticized. Here's Wikipedia's Thiomersal controversy article.
And, returning to the topic of astrology - wouldn't it be awful if the
belief that mercury is safe or even beneficial to use in dental
fillings, etc. actually historically traces back to astrology?
But more importantly, I wish mercury wasn't still in such common use in places it shouldn't be, in my opinion.
Comments are welcome on the Eryss.Com Forum, either here or elsewhere - but, it's moderated, and I tend to be rather lazy about checking for new posts, so, please don't expect a fast-paced brawl.