Note by Apollia on Nov. 8, 2023: Please join my Patreon if you'd like to support me and my work!

2014 Site Update History

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Feb 1 - Delayed: Eryss astrology software

This page lists many of the major and minor additions and changes to Eryss.Com in 2014.


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Delayed: Eryss astrology software
Saturday, February 1st, 2014
04:53:33 GMT

I did get started preparing the Windows AutoHotkey* version of the Eryss astrology software for release, but, it's still not ready, so it's going to be late. Sorry about that.

Hopefully I'll get it done sometime in February.

Edit, Feb. 5, 2014, 8:05 AM EST: I don't know if I can even manage to do that, and I don't even really want to try anymore.

I've been having an incredibly difficult time trying to concentrate on it, probably mostly because I still feel so uneasy about my situation. I'm tired of living in continual fear because of having little idea if or how I can ever make enough money to support myself.

And, though maybe releasing free astrology software would somehow help my situation, there are probably a lot of other things I could do that are more certain to help me.

Also, though some people think announcing things publicly is a good strategy for putting pressure on yourself to increase the likelihood that you'll achieve goals - I think for me, announcing my plans and made-up deadlines actually makes things harder.

I don't like feeling burdened with any feeling of obligation to do what I said I was going to do, and I think it actually made me procrastinate and avoid it even more than I already was.

So, it's probably better if I just spontaneously do whatever without announcing things in advance.

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Note by Apollia on Nov. 8, 2023: Please join my Patreon if you'd like to support me and my work!