Note by Apollia on Nov. 8, 2023: Please join my Patreon if you'd like to support me and my work!

Posts Below
11/9/2019 - Link: "Qobuz streaming music service now $14.99 per month for 1st 100,000 subscribers, until Jan. 31, 2020" (Music)
11/6/2019 - Link: "Astrologers Predict 1929 Will Be Year of Prosperity" (Astrology)
10/7/2019 - Link: "Post-empirical science is an oxymoron, and it is dangerous" (Pseudoscience in General)
9/25/2019 - Link: "Venus Could Have Been Habitable for Billions of Years" (Astronomy)
9/16/2019 - Link: "American presidential candidate Andrew Yang's giveaway of 10 Freedom Dividends; universal basic income & human-centered capitalism" (Freedom)
5/26/2019 - Link: "Wired magazine's Memorial Day sale - $5 for 1 year of print and digital access" (News)
7/30/2018 - Steve Pavlina's Deep Abundance Integration live video series (Self-Help)
7/29/2018 - Link: "Bras might reduce melatonin and increase the risk of breast cancer" (Health)
7/4/2018 - Link: "Failure to Launch" is actually Failure to Lem (Astrology)
6/20/2018 - Link: "How Jupiter May Have Gifted Early Earth With Water" (Astronomy)
6/12/2018 - Link: "Heard that GitHub will be acquired by Microsoft, so I deleted all my GitHub repos" (Software - News)
4/24/2018 - Links: Uranus smells how you might expect (Astronomy)
3/19/2018 - Link: "Blackstrap Molasses, Iron and Ferritin Deficiency, Menstrual Health, and a Yummy Dessert Recipe" (Health)
8/5/2017 - Links: Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin (History)
8/4/2017 - Link: The Hans Free Electric Bike (Activism)
8/2/2017 - August 21, 2017: A total solar eclipse visible in parts of the USA! (Astronomy)
6/19/2016 - A little about Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) and his memory systems (Astrology)
3/18/2016 - Link: New Horizons Finds Blue Skies and Water Ice on Pluto (Astronomy - Link)
3/18/2016 - Links: Informal Names for Places on Pluto (Astronomy)

Welcome to Eryss.Com. Probably the most interesting thing here is the forum.

As of 4/29/2013, the only released edition of the Eryss astrology software is the Eryss and Swiss Ephemeris Extension Package 1.0 for Astroblahhh GLMP-GTK or Astroblahhh PH-GTK.

I, Apollia of Astroblahhh.Com, will eventually release a Windows edition of the Eryss software.

This Blog section of Eryss.Com might (or might not) include extra posts that weren't important or interesting enough to have on the front page.


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Link: "Qobuz streaming music service now $14.99 per month for 1st 100,000 subscribers, until Jan. 31, 2020"
Saturday, November 9th, 2019
07:55:04 GMT


On, I recently posted this blog post:

Qobuz streaming music service now $14.99 per month for 1st 100,000 subscribers, until Jan. 31, 2020
Nov. 9, 2019 from

I guess that doesn't have much to do with some of Eryss.Com's main topics - astrology and astronomy.

But quite possibly many readers of Eryss.Com like music enough to be able to see the value of being able to subscribe to Qobuz for $14.99 per month (which is $10 less than the normal price of $24.99 per month for the "Studio Premier" plan).

Also, there's a 1 month free trial.

They also sell music downloads without DRM.

Something that does relate to both astrology and music is the fact that lately, I've sometimes been wanting to return to working on the Astrosorting Music Organizing Database (AMODB), which I might have last worked on in 2008-2009.

I made that into a Git repo last August:

That's the software I used to make this Astrosorted Music List, which still contains plenty of unbroken hyperlinks, even all these years later with no updates.

Also as of last August, the still quite primitive PHP version of the Eryss astrology software (from 2013), and even my ancient, primitive AstroTally astrology software from 2004-2005, are now in Git repos.

Those don't have anything to do with music (at least not yet!), nor Qobuz, but I just thought I might as well mention them.

Remarkably, AstroTally is considerably easier to actually get started using, since it's written in JavaScript and runs in a web browser.

Eryss is still relatively tough to get set up, because of all its dependencies on either Astroblahhh GLMP-GTK, Astroblahhh PH-GTK, or APSK GLMP-GTK, which are software packages for various breeds of Puppy Linux.

I wrote about APSK GLMP-GTK and the rather lengthy process of building it in this Git repo.

APSK is short for Apollia's Puppy Linux Setup Kit. I don't know how long it will take me to get APSK done enough for me to feel like it finally makes sense to try to promote APSK a lot more.

But, if/when I do, the PHP version of the Eryss astrology software, among many other things, will (hopefully) be much easier than ever before to get started using.

If you're a DIY (do-it-yourself) technical sort of person, or curious, you might enjoy looking at or trying to tinker with many of the free (as in freedom), libre, open source Git repos I've released, which are generally works in progress and definitely not guaranteed to work, or work right.

Some years ago, I learned that if I try too hard to perfect things before releasing them, I tend to seldom get around to releasing anything!

So, I now greatly favor the "bazaar" approach to software development, rather than the "cathedral" approach.

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Link: "Astrologers Predict 1929 Will Be Year of Prosperity"
Wednesday, November 6th, 2019
18:41:19 GMT


Today, I found this article in the Oct. 29, 2019 email newsletter from

Astrologers Predict 1929 Will Be Year of Prosperity
April 5, 2012 from

It points out "an article in the December 30, 1928 issue of the Ogden Standard-Examiner from Ogden, Utah" which made some quite erroneous predictions about 1929, like:

"The year draws to a close with an abundance of capital for all needs and public developments, and unlimited credit for the worker."

End of quote.

However, that's from just one astrology prediction article from 1928! What might someone find if they looked at all the available astrology prediction articles from 1928, without cherrypicking only the correct or incorrect predictions?

I don't know, but it seems like an interesting question to me, even though I'm currently not in the mood to drop everything and try to research it.

Lately, I've been reading the very amusing book Loserthink by Scott Adams, the creator of the hilarious comic Dilbert.

Here's a quote from that book, which I'm guessing is probably applicable to both astrology and actual science:

"If all you know is how many times someone hit a target, it is loserthink to judge how accurate they are. You also need to know how many times they missed."

End of quote.

Hopefully, this book will be available on your local library's OverDrive website, which has legally free ebooks you can borrow and read on your computer or phone:

Loserthink by Scott Adams


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Link: "Post-empirical science is an oxymoron, and it is dangerous"
Monday, October 7th, 2019
13:34:00 GMT

Pseudoscience in General

Post-empirical science is an oxymoron, and it is dangerous
Oct. 7, 2019 from

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Link: "Venus Could Have Been Habitable for Billions of Years"
Wednesday, September 25th, 2019
01:03:11 GMT


Venus Could Have Been Habitable for Billions of Years
Sept. 24, 2019 from

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Link: "American presidential candidate Andrew Yang's giveaway of 10 Freedom Dividends; universal basic income & human-centered capitalism"
Monday, September 16th, 2019
10:57:53 GMT


On, I recently posted this blog post:

American presidential candidate Andrew Yang's giveaway of 10 Freedom Dividends; universal basic income & human-centered capitalism

Sept. 16, 2019 from

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Link: "Wired magazine's Memorial Day sale - $5 for 1 year of print and digital access"
Sunday, May 26th, 2019
17:28:50 GMT


Last modified May 27. 2019 at 7:19 AM EDT.

Here's a link to a recent post on my personal blog about a sale currently being offered by the technology magazine Wired:

Wired magazine's Memorial Day sale - $5 for 1 year of print and digital access
May 26th, 2019 blog post from Astroblahhh.Com

If you miss out on that sale, hopefully there will be future sales just like it (probably around other holidays).

Also, Wired's normal non-sale price of $10 per year for print and digital access seems quite excellent to begin with.

As I write this, searching the Wired magazine archives for "astrology" finds 88 articles.

And searching the archives for "astronomy" finds 1190 articles!

Here's's search page, which lets you search the entire Wired magazine archive.

If you'd rather browse the archive instead of searching it, you can go to's Site Map page.

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Steve Pavlina's Deep Abundance Integration live video series
Monday, July 30th, 2018
19:08:29 GMT


This costs money ($97), but, since it's by the wonderful Steve Pavlina, I'm sure it will be marvelous, and worth far more than $97. I signed up today.

Deep Abundance Integration - August 1-30, 2018

This video series will probably have nothing to do with astrology. But, to make this blog post at least a bit astrological, I'll point out that Steve natally has Jupiter (the planet most associated with abundance and good fortune) in Sagittarius (the sign ruled by Jupiter).

So, perhaps even astrology says Steve is an expert on abundance. :-)

Steve will host a live video call every day from Aug. 1 to 30, which will be influenced by feedback from people who signed up.

Edit, Aug. 1, 2018, 1:12 PM EDT The signup page no longer shows a deadline, and the count of signups keeps growing.

So, if you want to participate, it looks like you can still sign up!

Or, if you'd rather wait, you'll probably be able to buy the completed videos, etc. eventually when they are released as a product.

End of edit.

And if you can't (or would rather not) buy anything - Steve has a wonderful, fascinating website:

And the vast majority of what's there is free - not only free as in price, but also free as in freedom, since much of it is actually uncopyrighted!

I don't always agree with everything Steve says, but I always find his perspectives thought-provoking and well worth reading or hearing. And over the years, I think his writings, podcasts, and videos have definitely influenced me greatly for the better.

So, I highly recommend checking out, and signing up for Deep Abundance Integration if it appeals to you.

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Link: "Bras might reduce melatonin and increase the risk of breast cancer"
Sunday, July 29th, 2018
20:02:40 GMT


Here's another blog post that has nothing to do with astrology, unless maybe Cancer and cancer are somehow related.

(Why does a horrible disease have the same name as such a nice, sweet zodiac sign?!!!)

Anyway - if you're a woman, or know any women, you might be interested in this blog post:

Bras might reduce melatonin and increase the risk of breast cancer
July 29, 2018 from

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Link: "Failure to Launch" is actually Failure to Lem
Wednesday, July 4th, 2018
14:48:08 GMT


Last modified July 5, 2018 at 6:52 AM EDT.

Astrologers are usually admirably, refreshingly non-conformist in many ways, so, perhaps many of you might enjoy this fiery diatribe I posted today:

"Failure to Launch" is actually Failure to Lem
July 4, 2018 from

That blog post actually has nothing to do with astrology, but, I just wanted to point it out.

A while back I read a surprising news article which said that astrology is popular amongst millenials:

Star gazing: why millennials are turning to astrology
March 11, 2018 from

Eons ago, when I had quite mainstream-skeptical views on pretty much everything, I would have found that article quite alarming.

But nowadays, I'm pleased that many young people are so open-minded and non-conformist.


"My personal belief is that people tend to turn to mysticism, spirituality and the occult in uncertain times," Tsjeng suggests. "And I feel that young people, especially, are living in one of the most uncertain times ever, at least in my living memory. There's an increasing willingness to question the arranged order, break out of pre-defined social norms and look for answers elsewhere."

End of quote.

That actually makes me feel more optimistic about the future.

Happy Independence Day (July 4th) to all!

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Link: "How Jupiter May Have Gifted Early Earth With Water"
Wednesday, June 20th, 2018
21:43:01 GMT


Amusingly, astronomy sometimes seems to echo astrology, such as by saying things like Jupiter is a protector and gives gifts to us here on Earth. :-)

How Jupiter May Have Gifted Early Earth With Water
June 20, 2018 from

However, the other gas giants may have helped us as well (astronomically speaking). Even Saturn!


"The new model suggests that any gas giant would send wet material hurling inward as a consequence of their formation. While massive Jupiter-sized worlds were the most effective, Raymond found that any sized gas giant could trigger the growth. That's good news for researchers hunting watery planets outside our solar system.

In our own solar system, the model shows that ices from the outer solar system snowed down on the Earth in three waves. The first came as Jupiter swelled up. The second was triggered during Saturn's formation. And the third would have occurred when Uranus and Neptune migrated inward before being blocked by the other two and sent back to the outskirts of the solar system."

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Link: "Heard that GitHub will be acquired by Microsoft, so I deleted all my GitHub repos"
Tuesday, June 12th, 2018
20:40:45 GMT


Last modified June 12, 2018, 4:46 PM EDT.

Here's a recent post from my personal blog:

Heard that GitHub will be acquired by Microsoft, so I deleted all my GitHub repos
June 4, 2018 (plus later additions), from Astroblahhh.Com

And an even more recent post by me from

Link: "Heard that GitHub will be acquired by Microsoft, so I deleted all my GitHub repos"
June 12, 2018, from Non24.Com

So, that's why I won't be hosting the Eryss astrology software on GitHub.

Instead, someday, I will probably host it here on Eryss.Com.

Those posts also contain details about what I'm working on (or have been tempted to work on) instead of the Eryss astrology software.

There actually have been times when I was strongly tempted to work on Eryss despite far more pressing and important-seeming projects.

So, I really can't be sure what I might soon decide to do (or not do) with Eryss. It seems probable that I'll continue to be more focused on other things, but, even I don't know for sure.

I welcome donations and microdonations.

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Links: Uranus smells how you might expect
Tuesday, April 24th, 2018
14:25:59 GMT


Science has finally proven that Uranus has a perfectly appropriate name. :-)

Scientists finally confirm that Uranus is surrounded by fart clouds
April 23, 2018 from

Clouds above Uranus smell like farts and rotten eggs, Oxford researchers declare
April 24, 2018 from

Uranus smells like farts, astronomers have confirmed - which could indicate there was 'a big shakeup' early in the solar system

And here's where I originally found this important news:

Uranus Smells Like Rotten Eggs, Study Says
April 23, 2018 from

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Monday, April 9th, 2018
10:38:58 GMT


Here's one of my favorite web pages of affirmations I ever found so far:


That page isn't related to astrology, but, it's actually a ton more positive, comforting, and fun to read than quite a lot of astrological stuff.

Might be good to read if you're getting tired of how negative astrology can sometimes be, and how boring and limited the zodiac is, compared to all the awesome mythological beasts that page mentions. :-)

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Link: "Blackstrap Molasses, Iron and Ferritin Deficiency, Menstrual Health, and a Yummy Dessert Recipe"
Monday, March 19th, 2018
09:34:23 GMT


This has nothing to do with astrology or astronomy, but, I just thought I'd point out this blog post I recently posted to

Blackstrap Molasses, Iron and Ferritin Deficiency, Menstrual Health, and a Yummy Dessert Recipe

This other page says:

"In fact, iron deficiency is the most common and widespread nutritional disorder in the world, according to the WHO, which estimates that some 2 billion people - or 30% of the world's entire population - have anemia, which is caused by lack of iron."

So, I just thought I ought to post about this here, in case it might be helpful to anyone.

I now believe low iron or low ferritin might possibly be the top reason I had been so fatigued, and had such a hard time making progress with numerous different projects, including the Eryss astrology software.

It might even have been the most oppressive, debilitating thing I ever had to deal with in my life, worse than even my severe sleep issues (which I believe might possibly be Non-24-hour Sleep-Wake Disorder) and poverty.

Fortunately, overall, I've been feeling much better lately, though I still don't know if I'm going to work on the Eryss astrology software in the near future.

The project I most want to get done is a renovated version of my Puppy Linux Setup Kit.

And one of the many benefits of getting that done will be, it will hopefully make it far easier for people to install and try out the Eryss astrology software - perhaps even in a VirtualBox running Puppy Linux.

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Links: Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin
Saturday, August 5th, 2017
09:07:44 GMT


Wasn't looking for anything of astrological interest, but, I just happened to stumble across this amusing comic today:

Meet Charles Darwin
July 15, 2005 from

So, I searched the web for more info, and found these interesting articles:

6 Things Lincoln and Darwin Had In Common
Feb. 12, 2014, from

Lincoln and Darwin Were Both Born on This Date, 205 Years Ago
Feb. 12, 2014 from

How Lincoln and Darwin Shaped the Modern World
Feb. 2009 from

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Link: The Hans Free Electric Bike
Friday, August 4th, 2017
18:34:57 GMT


Today, while googling exercise bike-related stuff, I stumbled across a news story about a bike which can produce 24 hours of electricity from 1 hour of pedaling!

Which is such amazingly good news, it inspired me to post this blog post to

The Hans Free Electric Bike

And to make this more on topic for, I'll point out:

The better off and more free of poverty and other oppression the world - and I myself - become, the more happy I'll be to spend a bit more of my time and energy on my old, impractical, but still sometimes fun, astrology hobby.

And perhaps that will happen sooner than I ever guessed, thanks to brilliant new technology such as the Hans Free Electric Bike hopefully saving the world. :-D

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August 21, 2017: A total solar eclipse visible in parts of the USA!
Wednesday, August 2nd, 2017
19:38:57 GMT


Last modified August 3, 2017 at 3:54 AM EDT.

There's going to be a total solar eclipse visible in parts of the USA on August 21, 2017!

Some web links about it:

NASA's Total Solar Eclipse 2017 page - Total Solar Eclipse 2017: When, Where and How to See It (Safely)

I don't feel like writing in depth about this or anything else, but, just thought I'd point that out, since it's so rare.

I only heard about it because a local library's ebook site recently acquired the book The Solar Eclipse of 2017.

As for why so little has been happening here at Eryss.Com for so long - I've been paying hardly any attention to astronomy and even less attention to astrology lately, due to being preoccupied with other projects, some of which are on my GitHub page.

And also due to some health issues such as fatigue, which I'm guessing astrology probably can't help me with, and possibly might even make worse, such as by wasting time I could have spent on more helpful things.

However, even though I still don't trust astrology at all, I am sort of looking forward to Jupiter transiting my 2nd house, since that's supposed to be associated with good financial luck, and like most people, I could always use more of that.

In fact, I might as well point out I still welcome donations and microdonations.

Generally, the more money I have, the better I feel, which might make me more likely to fully recover from my health issues and get more interesting things done, such as eventually, future editions of the Eryss astrology software.

I've already been doing much better lately compared to the past several years. (Which I guess might be fitting for Jupiter lately transiting my 1st house. Especially unusually, I actually gained some weight, some of which I'd like to lose!)

But, there's still plenty of room for improvement. I'm hoping exercising a lot more will greatly improve my energy.

The Eryss.Com Forum has been closed for maintenance for a long while, but someday will be reopened when I figure out how to block spam more effectively.

Also, I'm still mostly unreachable, since I'm still not checking my public email addresses, since I've been trying to avoid stress. I don't know when I'll resume checking that email, but probably not in the near future.

Currently, not even a donation or microdonation can get my attention quickly, because I have my PayPal messages filtered too, because anything related to money stresses me out. For now, the less I think about money, the better.

Thanks again to everyone who ever donated!

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A little about Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) and his memory systems
Sunday, June 19th, 2016
09:37:34 GMT


I recently read the wonderful book You Can Learn To Remember: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life by Dominic O'Brien, who won the World Memory Championships numerous times.

Something that intrigued me near the beginning of the book was some details about Giordano Bruno (1548-1600).

A quote from the book:

"Bruno devised many memory systems, finally completing a series of memory wheels. These wheels were seen as microcosms of the heavens, and showed the orbits of stars and planets. On them he placed symbols of the arts, languages and sciences, and used his sensory associations to lodge images and facts related to these symbols in his mind."

Definitely sounds astrological.

Someday, I'd like to read more about Giordano Bruno and his ideas.

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Link: New Horizons Finds Blue Skies and Water Ice on Pluto
Friday, March 18th, 2016
08:31:27 GMT


Another cool thing I just found today.

From - New Horizons Finds Blue Skies and Water Ice on Pluto (Oct. 8, 2015)

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Links: Informal Names for Places on Pluto
Friday, March 18th, 2016
07:55:44 GMT


Today, I found out that various regions of Pluto have been given informal names.


From - Pluto Is Turning Into The Planet Of Your Nightmares (July 15, 2015)

From - Places on Pluto are Being Named for Your Darkest Imaginings (July 14, 2015)

From - New Horizons Map of Pluto: The Whale and the Donut (July 7, 2015)

And from Wikipedia:

Geography of Pluto

An annotated Pluto map

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Note by Apollia on Nov. 8, 2023: Please join my Patreon if you'd like to support me and my work!